
Howdy! I'm the Cow Girl Sleuther, I ride around on my trusty steed and on buses too, thinking about mysteries and my mystery heroes.

And I'm Missy Marple - I love a good old fashioned mystery accompanied by a nice cup of tea. Get yr freak on and solve some mysteries with us!

Friday, September 01, 2006

The mystery face-off!

BBC7 are broadcasting an Agatha Christie double-bill this week.

In the blue corner we have Poirot with his little grey cells and trusty side-kick Hastings in the classic 'Lord Edgeware Dies' - If only Carlotta Adams hadn't been such an exellent impersonator then she might have lived to tell the tale. Instead, she's a cunning cog in a very cunning murder and ends up victim #2. So who's the murderer? You'll have to tune in!

In the red corner we have Miss Marple and her 'Murder at the Vicarage' - a shot is heard while our heroine is weeding her garden. No doubt she'll be weeding out the red herrings and tracking down the murderer in time to get home for a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake. St Mary Mead sounds like a jolly nice place to live, if it wasn't for all these pesky murders!

So, if there was a virtual mystery wrestling match between 'Masher Marple' and 'Half-Nelson Poirot' who would win?? I'm on Marple's side because at least you get cake when you're in her gang...

Anyway, mop those sweaty brows and get those gum-shields in! Ding ding - Round 2!


Blogger The Clapton Pond Cast said...

who is ths askintoo? They have nothing valuable about the Poriot/Marple face off!

(Marple everytime - my reasons will be laid out in furhter detail soon...)

6:39 AM  

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