Poirot's gone all serious and lost his 'do-do-do-do-dooo'!
Further to the Cowgirl Sleuth's comments, I am alarmed at how serious ITV have made Poirot.
Surely ITV are missing the point. Poirot is a ridiculous character, with an egg shaped head, fastidious dress sense (a serious case of OCD if you ask me) and a silly waxed moustashe. But as we're smiling at his pomposity, he cuts in and solves the mystery with his 'little grey cells'.
The old version of David Suchet's Poirot was light-hearted, with the gloriously intriguing 'do-do do-do-dooo's' of the theme tune and Captain Hastings bumbling about in his panama hat. I loved it when he wrinkled up his nose to the changing fashions and tastes. We're meant to be amused at Poirot's pomposity not bored by it. ITV seem to have lost this essence with its launch of the new-look Poirot. The humour and charm is lost amid the slick production values and forgettable theme tune. Poirot is the same chap but the world seems to have changed around him towards a high-gloss world of all-star cameos, glam lipstick and soft-focus. I fear that Poirot has lost his 'do-do-do-do -doooo' for good...
Having just finished Third Girl, in which Poirot grapples with beatniks and a Marianne Faithfull lookalike, I whole heartily agree with Missy Marple
Poirot even goers as far as insulting other characters dress sense. Pot and Kettle Poirot!
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