
Howdy! I'm the Cow Girl Sleuther, I ride around on my trusty steed and on buses too, thinking about mysteries and my mystery heroes.

And I'm Missy Marple - I love a good old fashioned mystery accompanied by a nice cup of tea. Get yr freak on and solve some mysteries with us!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Barnaby's still in the dark!

This is Detective Inspector Barnaby. Has he finally twigged that Mrs Barnaby and his daughter Cully (where did they get that name) are both responsible for all the Midsommer Murders?

I ask you they drive around in that mobile library (a good disguise) despatching with all the posh unfortuantes who live in these viallges.

Bergerac would never have put up with such nonsense!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Moonstone Mystery
Hey there mystery gang!
There's a fab serial of Wilkie Collin's 'The Moonstone' this week on BBC7. I think mysteries in the 21st Century really are lacking cursed gemstones. What's happened to them all?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Bong! The Cowgirl Sleuther’s Monk Research Trip

Dear readers, I have recently returned from a monk research trip in the South of France. There I visited troglodyte monastic caves a medieval herb garden and a medieval castle. What glee I had in my tour of such places. It really put me in touch with Cadfael’s spirit. I even visited the Palace of the Popes in Avignon, where Pope Urbain V dispatched crusades. Those who like accuracy when it comes to dates will pull me up short here and say that these crusades where long after the ones Cadfael was on, but what’s a crusade between friends?

Here's the Cowgirl sleuther posing as a lowly prior with my Abbot Babe Bitchford