Poirot vs Cadfael
Have you been tuning into BBC 7 mystery lovers? If you have you'll see we have been doubly rewarded with some Poirot and Cadfael. As ever i am utterly spoilt to the point of not knowing which to listen to first, and whether i should listen to the episodes in one go or...oh it's sometimes too much!
First we had Three Act Tragedy - remember Tony Curtis's turn in the Hollywood version (best forgotten)
Then Taken at the Flood, which i didn't get to the end of because i was too busy listening to the Cadfael mystery The Virgin in the Ice - see what i mean there are only so many hours in a day!
Now after finishing off listening to Evil Under The Sun yes that's the fake tan mystery, (Missy Marple certainly been involved in a few of those!) I learn that's it for Poirot for another few months. I say bring us Agatha Christie FM!
Well i guess it leaves me to concentrate on listening to the latest Cadfael mystery Monk's Hood - Missy Marple gained much comfort from this while in wintry Warsaw many moons ago! This mystery delves into the makings of the English Legal System, founded by the Welsh no less. Missy Marple is this blog's Welsh expert, so i'll leave the rest to her.